Friday, June 10, 2016

"Lord, I Just Want To Give Up, But Nothing Shall Be Impossible To Me."


Most of life is starting over, you know.


Have you had a big disappointment lately? Did something not work out, or did something change for the worse? Did someone let you down, or were you counting on something that did not develop? Does life just seem overwhelming at times? Do these things leave you feeling sad, lonely, depressed or hopeless? Do you just feel like not trying again? I'm sorry. Most of life is starting over, you know. We go to bed. We get up, and we start again. It certainly can be exhausting, and sometimes we just want to give up.


At times like that, all I have is The Word.


I felt that way a couple of times over the last 48 hrs. I said, "Lord, I just want to give up. It's too much. It's too hard. I'm just tired." At times like that, all I have is The Word, and I am always grateful when I feel like reading it, because there are times when I don't. Thankfully, those are few and far between.


It shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible to me.


I always feel better when I just open the Bible and read, even if I still have to face a mountain. His word tells me that if I shall say to this mountain be removed and cast into the sea, it shall be done. If I shall say to this mountain remove hence to yonder place, it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible to me.


This power is available to me.


I may not yet be able to grasp the manifestation of that in my everyday life, since daily issues can seem to proliferate, and seem so overwhelming. But, I feel better just knowing that this power is available to me.


There Is No Rock Like Our God! 

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior as it says in The Bible. Come into my heart, and save me now. I confess all of my sins to you and believe that you died for me so that I can come to know God. I believe and I receive all that you have for me. Thank you for my new life. Show me the way and help me to understand. Thank you that I don't have to fear death anymore, and that I have eternal life in you.

Image: Free Images

Friday, May 27, 2016

God Is The One Who Is Winning Thank God

God is not a man, who would need to lie. You are safe, though you may feel distressed.
If you believe that God is for you and supporting you, then who can ultimately succeed with their plans against you? What evil influence means for bad against you, God is turning in to good for you. Despite the fact that it seems like all negative, damaging, destructive, distressing and evil forces leveled against you are winning,

God is the only one who is winning.

If you are connected to God through rebirth in his precious Holy Spirit, and growing and becoming more rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus, you are winning too. Those who are living in the darkness in which you used to be, who are allowing themselves to be used as instruments of harassment, mistreatment, conflict, exploitation, oppression and abuse in your life, think that they are winning. They are gleeful that their evil devices seem to be succeeding. Even to you sometimes, it seems like they are winning at every turn.

But rest assured, if you know God, and are drawing nigh to him daily, and seeking his face, then God is winning.

If God is for you, who can be against you. In the end, who is able to succeed against God? If Lucifer was not able to defeat God, then how could your enemies ever be able to? Why fear what man can do against you, or to you. Eventhough the problems, issues and afflictions may be very difficult, and seem at times to be unbearable, somehow, sometime, eventually, sooner or later, it is going to work out for your good. What is happening is not good. It is not God's will for your life, but he is allowing it to happen. This is very hard to accept in many circumstances. Remember that God knows the end of it, whatever that end may be and whenever it may come, and he has planned for the result. This suffering is going to be used to bless you in some magnificent way. It will be magnificent whether the blessing is small or large, and whether it is here, in this life, or the next.

If you read his Holy Word, you know that we have promises from God, and God is not a man, that he would need to lie. You know that there are promises designed to manifest in this world, in this life, and those that will be delivered when you are gone from here, and living with God forever and forever. His Word says that he who delivered up his Son for us all, how shall he not with him freely give us all things? You know that the blessings of God are also for this world, as well as the world after this one. We don't know, as we are living here, what blessings we will receive along our life course, and which ones will be given in the New Life.

So, continue to open yourself up to all of God's blessings, today and everyday, the blessings that come in good times, and the blessings that come in bad times. Remind yourself in the most difficult of times, and never forget, that,

If God be for you, who can be against you?

Who can ever succeed against you, really?

Scriptures: Romans 8:31, 32
Image: Free Images

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

No Rock Like Our God

Neither is there any rock like our God.

Was finishing up my morning devotion, and arranging the pages of my Bible that's falling apart, when it fell open to I Samuel 2. Verses 1-2 blessed me so much that I made this scripture graphic to encourage you too!

God bless you with a special type of encouragement today! Believe and receive, in Jesus' name, whatever your need is! No one can stop you. If God be for you, WHO can be against you? In other words, who can succeed in their plans to discourage, defeat, depress, hinder, destroy or oppress you when you know God? Who can succeed with these evil plans against you? No one. They have not won, they will not win, they cannot win, though sometimes it may appear to be so. They will fall into their own traps, while you are rejoicing in your Lord.

There Is No Rock Like Our God! 

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior as it says in The Bible. Come into my heart, and save me now. I confess all of my sins to you and believe that you died for me so that I can come to know God. I believe and I receive all that you have for me. Thank you for my new life. Show me the way and help me to understand. Thank you that I don't have to fear death anymore, and that I have eternal life in you.

Scripture Graphic: Artsy Craftery Design Studio
Background Image: Free Images

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Praying For Public, Private And Unknown Souls

~ Pray For Mercy From God For That Soul To Be Saved, If There Is Any Chance At All ~

Some Christians are devastated about the untimely passing of Prince, and wonder about the condition of his soul. Once a person, whose salvation we wonder about, has passed on, the only thing that we can do is pray for mercy from God for that soul to be saved, if there is any chance at all for that to happen after death. The person may even have already been redeemed, and we had no evidence of it.

~ We look at a person's lifestyle and judge that they could not possibly have been saved. ~

Many Christians, most probably, believe that it's too late to be saved once the last breath is drawn, and that a person has to have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior before he/she dies. There are also some Christians who believe in a pergutory, a place where the departed soul that is unsaved can go to work out their salvation. There has always been much controversy and scripture-slinging misuse of God's word about it. Christians also believe that the members of some denominations or Christian groups have a better chance at becoming saved than others, even when they believe similarly. We look at a person's lifestyle and judge that they could not possibly have been saved. No way, man.

~ We don't know what has happened in her/his heart at any given time. ~

The truth is that even if a person has never given a public testimony about being Born Again, and even if their life does not reflect it, we don't know what has happened in her/his heart at any given time. We also don't know how long is the time between the drawing of the last breath and the traveling of the spirit on to its destination, and what may or may not happen during that time. Man thinks he knows so much, when basically he knows nothing.

~ Pray for God to have mercy on the soul of anyone who has passed on. ~

We all have special feelings for certain ones, and celebrities and public figures make it easy for us to forget others. We should practice, at all times, to be moved by the condition of the souls of every human being on this earth. I remind myself of this, and shift my focus when some well-known, popular person passes on. This is one of the largest areas where we can pray without ceasing, to pray for the insurance of salvation of everyone that we know, that we hear of, that we see, that we learn of, that we like and that we don't like, everyday, before they leave this earth. Pray for God to have mercy on the soul of anyone who has passed on, along with Prince. That will help ease our sorrow, and remind us to always focus on being prepared. Our time could be up here, or Jesus could return any moment.

Images: free images

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Understanding And Harnessing The Mind As Ron Carpenter, Jr. Teaches

I was listening to and watching Ron Carpenter, Jr. teach, in his series about the MindWorld, about our understanding of enemy activity in our lives. I felt pressed to share some of his outstanding quotes with you. Like Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind series, I believe in teachings that draw the Christian's attention to the importance of working with the Holy Spirit to take control of and harness the mind. I believe that success as a growing Christian comes through understanding and applying this basic and critical principle.

I do plan to read Pastor Carpenter's book The Necessity of an Enemy, and listen to all of his MindWorld series of teachings. His understanding helps the growing Christian to practically apply the principals of God to every area of life. Here are some of his quotes from the book The Necessity of an Enemy:

"Learning how not to get too high on life's highs or too low on life's lows will help keep you stable."

"But poverty has nothing to do with income; it has everything to do with thinking. Poverty isn't a financial state of affairs. It's a state of mind."

"If you give a cash windfall to someone who's been poor throughout life, the money will quickly vanish. If you leap over several levels of financial responsibility and strength, you don't learn how to be wise with your money."

"Faith comes by hearing, not by seeing. Most people think the opposite of faith is doubt. Not true. The opposite of faith is sight. The enemy wants you to live by something that you saw, something that contradicted what God said about you."

"If you can beat it in your mind, you can beat it in your life."

"If you are passively living life, it's going to pass you right by and your enemies will tear you to pieces."

Here is more info about Pastor Ron Carpenter, Jr., where to buy the book and where to listen to the teachings on Youtube. You should read the reviews at Amazon, Goodreads or anywhere you can find some. Decide for yourself if his book and teachings about this subject can benefit you. Some comments, as usual for anyone who writes and teaches, are quite degrading and critical. Others are appreciative. Make your decision yay or nay, pray, and be led by God's Spirit in you. Don't be moved solely on what others say. Use those opinions as a guide.

About Ron Carpenter, Jr. -

Website & Church: Redemption

Book The Necessity of an Enemy: Amazon -

Youtube Lessons:

The Necessity of an Enemy part 1

The Necessity of an Enemy part 2

The Necessity of an Enemy part 3

The Necessity of an Enemy part 4

The Necessity of an Enemy part 5

The Necessity of an Enemy part 6

The Necessity of an Enemy part 7

The Necessity of an Enemy part 8

Image: Free Images
Quotes: The Necessity of An Enemy. (c)2012 Ron Carpenter, Jr. Waterbrook Press:Colorado.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

It Will Pay Off

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, go apart and read a little of the Bible. Even if you don't feel like it, and you just don't think you can, do it. You'll feel better. Just as you have, I also have asked why God allowed certain hard things to happen in my life, especially things involving my son when I was raising him. So much seems unfair. Some Christians say that we should never ask God why, but it is hard not to when we have suffered significantly throughout life.

God understands our hurt and frustration. Usually, there is no answer at this time for what seems senseless and unfair. But we, who choose to love God, believe that there is a reason for these things, because the Word tells us so. We hold on because there WILL be an end, whether we die or experience the Rapture first, and we don't want to be left out. We want to be with God forever and ever, so we hold on, through the pain of daily life in this world. We know that if we keep reminding ourselves of our faith in The One True God, the God who provided the Savior Jesus Christ for us, it will pay off in the end, and all pain and tears will be wiped away, forever.


Bible Images:
Church Image: Artsy Craftery Studio, "Village Idyllic" watercolor detail