Saturday, October 15, 2016

Just How Large Is The Sea Of Galilee Anyway?

Was reading about Jesus' 5th sign, walking on the waves on the Sea of Galilee, John 6:15-21. When the sea is mentioned in the Bible, I often forget that most of the time it is referring to a massive lake, rather than a body of water like the Pacific or Atlantic ocean, or the Mediterranean Sea. In verse 16, it says that "And when even was now come, his disciples went down unto the sea" (KJV).

I remembered that this is referring to a relatively small land-locked body of water. I wondered, Just how large is the Sea of Galilee anyway? I realized that because they knew very little, if anything, about the topography of the Earth, this massive water feature would naturally be a sea to them. So what is the area and some interesting facts about this water area with the 3 names?

I thought that there were only 3 names that it is known by:
  • Sea of Galilee
  • Sea of Tiberius
  • Sea of Gennesaret
According to, it is also known as:
  • Sea of Chinnereth
  • Ginnosar
  • Bahr Tubariya.
This site states that this sea is "more properly designated a lake," and that it is "13 miles long and 7 miles wide." I am not good at judging distance, but that doesn't sound very large to me. I think Lake Gennesaret is smaller than I thought.

Wikipedia, my fav place to do research (though it is not academically accepted), states that Lake Chinnereth "is approximately:
  • 53 km (33 mi) in circumference,
  • about 21 km (13 mi) long,
  • and 13 km (8.1 mi) wide
  • area is 166.7 km2 (64.4 sq mi) at its fullest,
  • and its maximum depth is approximately 43 m (141 feet)."
It doesn't seem very deep either. I wonder how there could have been waves so scary, on a body of water this size, so as to terrify the disciples, some of who were experienced fishermen? Do you think Jesus whipped up those waves to build their faith? At one point on shore at least, the opposite shore can be seen, showing how small the lake is. And when they got into the boat, they traveled from Tiberius to Capernaum, which would be north, along the coast. I don't know how far out they had to go to reach a navigable depth before they turned north, but it seems that they could not have ever been out of sight of land.

An interesting mystery! But, where Jesus is there are mysteries galore, and revelations, lol. Wikipedia states that The Sea of Galilee was also called the Sea of Minya.

King James Bible

Image: Wikipedia

Monday, October 10, 2016

How Do I Get Rid Of My Guilt Feelings?

Guilt is most definitely not from God.

Why would it be when Jesus Christ of Nazareth paid it all?

We either believe it, or we don't.

If we find that the truth behind that is not manifesting in our day-to-day thinking, then we'd better step up our daily Bible reading, and praying without ceasing.

God expects us to take responsibility for our actions, not only those that affect others, but our actions that adversely and negatively affect us, as well. Often in this earthly life, we even have to live with the consequences of our actions, for God does not always change the outcomes. He is, however, always there to help us to live through the results in the positive way that he would have us to. He can take bad results and cause them to eventually benefit us, if we will allow him to.

It is extremely difficult to see how God can and would do this for some situations in life. We point to evidence that we feel shows that we have never benefited from hurtful and distressing situations in our lives. Sometimes we have benefited, and don't realize it. Regarding other circumstances, God has not yet provided us with the benefits. Sometimes the benefits may not even come in this life, I believe. However and whenever we experience these benefits, God's word is true. He is not a man that he should lie. He keeps his promises, forever and forever. He always has, and he always will.

Responsibility is paramount, guilt is useless. God never punishes us for anything un-Godly and un-beneficial that we have caused, because Jesus took our punishment, past, present and future, once and for all.

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior. Come into my heart, and save me. I was born in sin and you died for me so that I can know God and not be blamed anymore. Thank you for my new life. Show me the way to turn away from bad things and help me to understand. I don't have to fear death anymore, and thank you for Eternal Life.  
Draw Nigh To Hope

Monday, September 19, 2016

What CAN We Change That Will Bless Us?

My great-grandmother was a three-time widow, who appeared to be very unhappy towards the end of her life. As I continued my genealogical research, my heart went out to her. How neglected and unloved she must have felt by God. She was blessed to find a new husband three times, only to find herself left alone in the end. Existing day after day, and though fit, caring for an elderly sister, and herself being elderly and alone.

As I thought back on the few times I remember being in her presence, I can see now what part of the reason could have been why she appeared cold and stand-offish. In fact, the last time I saw her, she looked simply dejected and miserable. She was born in the late 19th century, and married my grandfather's father in her 20's. By the time she was 61, he had died, she had married again and her 2nd husband died. A few years after that, and sometime between when I was born and my first memory of her, she had married her 3rd husband, who died before I remember him. Though I'd heard about 1 or 2 of her marriages, I'd only known her as a single woman.

As my heart ached for her, I thought about how it is these types of turns in life that cause many to feel that God does not care, that he does not love them. Some say in their hearts, "Afterall, why would he bless me with husbands who die and leave me? And here I am alone in the end. In the end, I have been left with years of loneliness, drudgery and boredom. No one to help me in my declining years, and  I have my single sister to care for. How cruel and unfair life has been to me!"

I don't know my great-grandmother's thoughts during that time. These are my general guesses on how anyone may have felt. From her demeanor when I knew her, it did not appear that she was happy, upbeat and optimistic. Not until I was well into my adult years, in fact, fairly recently, did I come to understand the course of her marriages, and how it must have been for her to endure it.

Sometimes life just beats us down, and we become tired, period. But we should start early claiming all that the Bible says that God feels for us, and all that he wants us to think and have. Why? Because his love and promises are in spite of life's twists and turns. Some have more sorrow and suffering than others. Things never seem to work out for many, and they can't catch their breath before another crisis happens. It doesn't just rain, it pours for so many Christians, and often the torrent of trials don't seem to let up. Does all of this negate God's love for each individual? No! Does it mean that he has forgotten us? No! Does that mean that his Bible is worthless? No!

There are going to continue to be problems, sorrows, disappointments and devastation in this world, until it is over for all of us, living and dead. We may have dreams fulfilled, and we may have happiness at every turn, and we may not. None of us knows as we live, what will happen. We do know that his Word is always true, dependable and everlasting. We know that there is always an answer in Christ, and that we can always ask and receive, seek and find, knock and the door will be opened for us by God.

It is good to start early, and no time is too late, determining in our hearts and minds what the end of our lives will be, no matter when that will come. No matter what our situations or conditions, we can determine that the joy of the Lord will be our strength as we live and age. We can live out the conviction that he will keep us in perfect peace  because our minds will be continually on him.

We can grab hold to and confess joy unspeakable, because our hope is for something more than what we are living. We can confess that we live in the peace that surpasses all understanding, because we know that God said he loves us no matter what. He has our best interests at heart, though all looks like disaster. It is not easy, but our tending to these things will help us to present different personalities and attitudes than the ones displayed by those who are consumed by the sorrows of life's downturns.

My heart truly breaks for those who have successive sorrows in life. We don't know why some have to endure these types of things, and others do not. Anyone who comes to the altar of God, though, has something to bring, however different than the other. I don't know what my great-grandmother thoughts were about her life's course. I do know that had she been immersed and focused on God's love and glory, she would have been more able to reach out to others, and even alter some parts of the course of her life.

Some things we can never change, but we don't know what we can change unless we have the physical strength, the mental and emotional fortitude, and the spiritual growth to try. I truly believe this. None of us who love the Lord can have the exact, perfect life that we desire here in this fallen world, but we can grow in him everyday. His everlasting love can flow through us and out to others. He even helps us, for moments at a time, to forget our sorrows in favor of helping others with theirs.

I am sorry that the end of my great-grandmother's life was not better. Was it meant to be? Is it what she wanted? I doubt it. By the time I knew her, she was too old and tired to care. I have felt that way sometimes, and I'm not the age she was when I knew her. I am not professing that I can do better than her, because they say we all do the best that we can with the life that we are handed. That's why I say it's never too early to grab this life by the horns. Rather than determining to accept and react to what comes our way, work with God to make changes.

We are either resigned and have given up, or we are resistant to defeat and are always planning for the best, for what we really want, now and towards the end. There is a way to make life more of how we really want it to be, to make whatever changes are necessary to attain that. As we work with God to bring it about, we present a certain face to the world, one of true love, never-ending hope and Godly happiness. We cannot change everything, like the death of my great-grandmother's 3 husbands. The important question is, what can we change that will bless us, and make a difference in the way that we treat others?

 Image: Free Images

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How Can I REALLY Witness About The Goodness Of God?

It's not being a Christian that witnesses.

It's the change that

growing as a Christian makes

in the attitude, personality and behavior

of the evolving Christian.


Generally, unless it is a specific work of The Spirit at that moment, it is not so important to 

broadcast to people that we are Christians. Most people couldn't care less about a 

statement that could be true, or not.

What is important is that we have taken Christ's yoke upon us, that we are learning of Him, 

and therefore, faithfully growing in the Lord. When we pray often, read the Bible daily, and 

commit ourselves to allowing God to show us the way, and obeying when we see it, we will

find ourselves becoming more Christ-like.  If we are committed to daily doing this, the gradual 

change that it will bring about in us will be an outstanding witness to the presence of God. 


Pray. Read. Commit. Grow. Daily.

Image: Free Images

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Have A Nice Sunday & Remember That God DOES Care!

...and a nice holiday.

Remember that God always has our best interests at heart,

no matter what it looks like, sounds like or feels like.

He loves us, and that's why we love him!


Image Credit: QuotesGram

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

WHY Am I Blamed For What Adam And Eve Did?

When I was a teen, I didn't want to have anything to do with the things of God. It began to infuriate me when I heard the story of Adam and Eve. Why am I being judged for something that two people did eons ago, I thought angrily! What they did was just not my fault! I felt an unfair, unjust burden hanging over my head.

Because I was repeatedly warned about sin from the standpoint of The Ten Commandments, and how Hell would be my eternal home if I made any slip-ups, I felt hounded and blamed for something that I did not do. 

I would ponder with disgust, Is that ALL that this Jesus and God stuff gave me? Is that all that the Bible gave me to look forward to was eternal punishment for someone else's wrong turn? 

My adult life took damaging twists and destructive turns and having no one else to help me, I turned to that God that I'd learned about. Why I turned to someone whom I did not trust, and through whom I felt condemned is a story for another time.

I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart. I wanted to be saved, to live as a Christian. As I grew in the Lord, I began to understand more about what Jesus did for us at Calvary. 

It is true that the failure of Adam and Eve is not our fault. It has just not been explained in that way. That is the reason that God provided a way out of the unfair condemnation. No matter how much we hate it and don't want it to be that way, it is a sentence passed on to us through the continuance of human life. 

What that errant couple, who possessed free wills, did when they made the poor choice, horrendously affects our lives today and eternally. God loves us so much that he determined that this will not stand. Though the human life that he created will live on, the evil that influenced the downfall will not.
In his love for us, he provided a plan of redemption, a way to restore the connection to him that Adam and Eve's choices severed. Because it is not your fault nor my fault, he provided a way out of the sentence that no one likes to hear about. He sent a Savior, someone to right the wrong done by evil spiritual beings. 

That Savior is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Through the bloodline of Adam, we all inherited death or separation from God. Alternatively, Sacred Blood had to be given to restore our inheritance of life or connection to God.

The only thing that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, what God offers through his Son, takes away from us is that unfair condemnation that we inherited by being born into this world. We all are descended from that tainted bloodline of the original, fallen couple. 

Alternatively, we each have the equal opportunity to have our bloodlines restored to purity by receiving God's provision for redemption. It's as simple as that. We each can go from an inherited darkness and eternal death to a restored light and eternal life. 

God is a good Father and a wonderful God! What loving father would let his children live in eternal darkness for something that is not their fault? If he could in any way prevent it he would. God is the ultimate loving Father. He recognizes our unfair condition. Afterall, he is the owner of creation. 

He is the Most High God, the Only Wise God and the One True God. He asks for one thing from any who wants the unfair judgment lifted: 
  • confess that we are born into sin,
  • that we can't help ourselves, 
  • accept that we need to be saved, 
  • and accept that his Son is the only Savior.

The condition that we find ourselves in when we learn about God is certainly unfair. That God, in his love, has provided a way out. Adam and Eve had a choice through their free wills. They made their choices. You, who have a free will, have a choice. You don't have to stay with theirs. You don't have to stay with the darkness that you were born with. 

Do what they didn't do. Choose life. One day God is going to restore it back to the way it was meant to be on the original Earth. It's there in the Bible! Read it! Read about the upcoming New Heaven and the New Earth. There will be no more evil influence either. Don't you want to be there? Don't you want to walk in the light with God and reign with Jesus, His Son?

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him may not die
but have eternal life.
John 3:16 GNT

 But God put his love on the line for us
by offering his Son in sacrificial death
while we were of no use whatever to him.
Romans 5:8 TMB

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God and that you died for me so that I don't have to live in darkness anymore. Save me so that I can live in the light of Our Heavenly Father. Help me to understand and grow as a Christian. I know that I don't have to fear death anymore. I have moved from darkness into the light. Thank you, Jesus, for Eternal Life. 

Now tell someone about what you have done.

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
